Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
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Here you can find resources to great books, podcasts, and research dedicated to therapy, mental health, and psychology! Take a look ....
Click below to see a few of my favorite, interesting resources!
The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma, Bessel van der Kolk
The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains, Nicholas G. Carr
How We Love: Discover Your Love Style, Enhance your Marriage, Milan and Kay Yerkovich
Emotional Intelligence, Daniel Goleman
The Whole Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child’s Developing Mind, Daniel Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson
Change Your Brain, Change Your Life, Dr. Daniel G. Amen
Im Not Your Shrink: The Podcast; Dr. Tracy Dalgleish. A clinical psychologist and couples therapist discusses attachment, motherhood, relationships, communication, boundaries, and more.
On Purpose with Jay Shetty: Dr. Daniel Amen ON: How to Change Your Life by Changing Your Brain & the Lies About Happiness That Are Increasing Depression (Sept. 26, 2022). Dr. Amen is a physician and a child/adult psychiatrist who discusses brain health and its impact on mood and psychological disorders.
Ask NT Wright Anything, #118 Mental Health: Am I failing God by taking medication? (May 19, 2022). A theologian discusses faith, mental health, and medication.
An article discussing the connection between social connectedness and mental health: Weziak-Bialowolska, D., Bialowolski, P., Lee, M.T., Chen, Y., VanderWeele, T.J., and McNeely, E. (2022). Prospective associations between social connectedness and mental health. Evidence from a longitudinal survey and health insurance claims data. International Journal of Public Health, 67, Article 1604710: 1-9.
Psychiatrist Dan Siegel's "Name it to Tame it" video on YouTube, briefly explaining a strategy on how to calm down the nervous system.